Getting back to away in the woods development

Long time no post! I'm happy to say that I picked away in the woods development back up around April of this year and have been doing a good job balancing it with Inn Need wrap-up. I've drafted a to-do list timeline breaking down the game's completion into manageable tasks for each month, and so far, April through July, I've been able to meet each of my goals!

Here's a quick summary of each month: 

  • April: Finalize quest flow chart and break down ending statistics
  • May & June: Start implementing scripts, remove RTP, and create placeholder graphics
  • July: Finish all "baseline" maps (the general outline of the map that will stay for each time period, to be fleshed out for each day of gameplay)

August and September are bundled together, with my main focuses being to complete all the tilesets and finish the gameplay for what I've been calling "Day 1", or when the player explores the woods as 25-year old Ainsley. This means that once I finish this stage, I'll be able to start sharing screenshots! If I stay on track for this stage, my next update will include a rough timeline for release - I want to make sure I can meet it before making any promises, but I'm feeling really good about it right now.

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